Step into our Spooky Bakery and try some goodies!
The bodice and top skirt features an assortment of colorful cupcakes: Frankencakes, Marshmallow Fluff Ghosts. Candy Corn cakes, Spider Sprinkle cakes, Witches Brew and more that fill up the spookiest of bakeries - or just your kitchen. The bottom skirt and the neck bands are a small orange and white check. The waistband and ties are a tiny black and white dot print. The 2-tier circle skirt pinup design is very feminine and flirty and perfect for your Halloween party or to hand out candy to treat-or-treaters!
The bodice and single lined pocket are trimmed in black bias and edged with orange rack rack. The bodice is fully lined for extra durability and protection from spills. The neck straps are adjustable with a D-ring.
**There is NO tulle on the apron. The Tulle Petticoats in the photo are NOT included. Get one if you want extra fluff! Available In Accessories.
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100% premium quilter's cotton.
{Copyright © 2020 SassyFras Collection. All Rights Reserved}